2017: The Year to Abstain!

Johnny Ogletree, III M. Div.
2 min readDec 30, 2016


As a child the words of Paul were given to me as a guide. Wanting to see the world and experience its fruit, the explore the world with all 5 senses made much sense, but lacked wisdom. Paul said to the church at Corinth,

“Everything is lawful,
but not everything is beneficial.
Everything is lawful, but not everything
builds others up.”

1 Corinthians 10:23

As we see the constant shifting of the world, dare I say, and the church, I believe God is calling us to set the rudder, hoist the sails towards the mark called righteousness. As luke warm believers, and those desiring to live without restraint seek to flee not only discipline, but correction, the people of God must endure discipline and correction. We must do this understanding that the only way to avoid His correction and hand of discipline is to correct our ways according to His Word and to discipline our lives to align accordingly!

In 2017, God is positioning His people to thrive while under recession, depression, oppression and persecution. In Judges, we encounter our theme for 2017, looking at the story of Samson, a fearless leader who took a foolish turn. His power and courage were legendary, and sadly so was His downfall. Though he failed, I am encouraged and enlightened by his story. It is two fold, and I believe a prophecy for 2017 and beyond.

God appeared to his mother and instructed her:

“Now see to it that you drink no wine or other
fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean.
You will become pregnant and have a son
whose head is never to be touched by a razor
because the boy is to be a Nazirite,
dedicated to God from the womb.
He will take the lead in delivering Israel
from the hands of the Philistines.”
Judges 13:4–5

This year, we must Abstain! We must keep ourselves from the things that will keep us from bringing forth the Word God has spoken over our lives. We must discipline ourselves, keeping to His commandments, and insuring that our children are brought up in the fear and admonition of the Lord. We must make sure they keep things away from them, that restrict their power and to insure our actions don’t prevent them from thriving.

We must be intentional this year to erase the Stain from our lives through seeking righteousness, knowing that our obedience can remove the power of the Philistines that stand before us. Remember, if God be for us, who can be against us! Let’s use 2017 to Position Ourselves.




Johnny Ogletree, III M. Div.
Johnny Ogletree, III M. Div.

Written by Johnny Ogletree, III M. Div.

Husband of 1, Father of 5, Servant of 1 God!

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