Don’t be a Jezebel!
(There has never been anyone like Ahab, who was firmly
committed to doing evil before the Lord, urged on by his
wife Jezebel…) 1 Kings 21:25
There are many titles attached to Jezebel. A woman noted for her seductive and manipulative ways. She waived her fist in the face of God, talked trash to His prophets, lead a campaign against the Lord, encouraged idolatry and disgusted the Lord. No better is the picture of the Lords long suffering and patience as seen with those who have hardened hearts against Him.
Sending prophets and signs, He works to reach and transform the life of those who are darkened, yet some are just hardheaded. Such is Jezebel. No matter what she hears or sees, Jezebel will not change her ways, and invest her time in getting others to do likewise.
In the 20th chapter of 1st Kings, Jezebel finds herself encountering her husband Ahab who has been rejected by Naboth on the sale of his vineyard. Ahab, downcast, has his head lifted by Jezebel, his wife who encourages him. Yes, Jezebel supports her man. She encourages him to go after what he desires. She encourages him to take control of the circumstances, and to use his power to gain what he needs. And yes, this is a problem!
An encouraging wife is normally thought to be a good thing, but in this case, Jezebel encourages her husband to abuse his power and to commit and offense against a child of God. Jezebel takes the pen and paper and drafts up a letter and puts into action a plot to accuse Naboth of cursing God. Worse, Ahab, realizing what Jezebel has done, becomes a partaker in the evil by taking possession of that which did not belong to him.
Her encouragement to Ahab was a stirrer, that stirred up Ahab to commit more and greater atrocities against the Lord. She took a man who already found himself not in favor with the Lord, and moved him up the chart to enemy number one. This is so key. REALITY! Your Spouse will be or is FLAWED and has a SIN NATURE! So what will you cultivate.
So What are You Cultivating?
Jezebel Encouraged her man to abuse his power!
She drafted up a note and plan to kill an innocent man all for convenience. In this, she modeled and encouraged him to set aside all principles and care for the people he led and the God he served, and to do what best fit him.
As we watch life play out before us, I wonder how many Jezebels there are? Not speaking just of the nation or world, but of our local congregations.
I remembered speaking to a woman on a Saturday witnessing day that said she was propositioned by her Pastor. She recalled him approaching her upon graduating High School and asking her to go to a training to run a new program at the church. Upon arriving, he checked them into the hotel.
First, she didn’t realize they would be the only two traveling.
Second, she didn’t think they would share the same room.
Third, even after contacting her parents, they spoke up for
the man of God and encouraged her to stay.After dinner, The Pastor decided to have a special laying on hands ceremony, substituting the sacred oil with anointed lotion. Replaced the Easter Palms for Rose Petals. Replace the Altar for a Bed and was told she was the Sacrifice! She refused, and thankfully, the Pastor returned her home.
But it doesn’t end! It gets worse! The following Sunday, the First Lady scolded the young lady for dressing in a manner that tempted her husband (who confessed what happened, but directed the blame to the young ladies night clothes).
She hasn’t returned to church since!
I am not sure if this story is even true, but I thought she was being very genuine. Even if true, its important to note this isn’t everyone’s story, nor is it the norm. But we would be foolish to pretend that there aren’t some cases of abuse. And worse, some cases with spouses who support the Abuse of Power taking places in some of our local churches.
And no, I will not call this First Lady a Jezebel, not will I get on a soap box about a Mom and Dad that allowed their Daughter to travel alone with a man, but I will say that we must be clear about our roles and spouse and saints.
And no, covering the man/woman of God does not mean us being modern day politician apologist. We must cover the man/woman of God in prayer, supporting them as God works with them, not by lying and with deceit, but not being quick to judge and or exposing their flaws that they might be susceptible to future sin and or sudden destruction. Covering the man/woman of God involves the support not only of prayer, but protecting their anointing and making sure they can stay before the Lord and serve the people unhindered.
And for that matter, touch not thine anointed does not mean we as clergy get a free pass to carry out foolishness, with the understanding that God is our judge or will carry out justice. Or that there is no accountability for those who wear the cloth. The word says that a claim against an Elder should only be received if it can be verified by two or three witnesses. Then continues to say that no favoritism will be shown, and that they must be rebuked before all! In other words, God’s has no favorites, and neither should we. He will punish and judge us all, regardless of title, position or works!
Encouraging ungodly behavior and pursuits of Greed, Selfishness, Covetousness, Gluttony and the like are not the types of stirring that is needed among those chosen to support and serve the man/woman of God, rather those who continue pointing towards the path set for us all. Don’t be a Jezebel!