False Prophets & Liars

Johnny Ogletree, III M. Div.
5 min readMay 14, 2021


In 2008, I opened an email from a group of religious leaders that I had been in service with. This email was marked, Beware of the Anti-Christ, The Mark of the Beast is soon to follow.

What happened in 2008? Glad you asked. Senator Barak Obama won the Democratic nomination. After his nomination, it was evident that this was not just an historic moment for the Democratic Party, but that the United States would soon have a President of African American decent.

Now, back to this email. This email was filled with quotes from Evangelical Christian Leader’s, as well as leadership from the group I was connected too, claiming that God had spoken to them and that scripture had revealed to them that one Barak Obama was the Anti-Christ.

They produced fabrication after fabrication (lies to be more accurate) to support their claims, stirring and spreading fear among their constituents. They claimed he would work through the United Nations and other country of color to bring the world to its knees. We would all be forced to worship Obama, and he would rape and pillage (affluent communities (White Communities) and future generations, making us all slaves to his global plan of world dominance. He was going to force everyone (the inferences was White America) to be marked with his sign or suffer his wrath. The claimed that his victory as President of the United States would be the beginning of the end of the world as we knew it.

It’s 2021, and we now know these people were clearly either lying, False Prophets or at best misguided new believer with no understanding of the scriptures that was influenced by a False Prophet or the barrage of lies that permeate the internet. Worse, its 2021, and these liars have not apologized for the fear caused by their lies and deception.

As opposed to confessing their wrong, they move the ball under another cup and challenge immature and foolish believes to guess again. And yes, they keep your $20 when you are wrong! I get it! It’s hard not to play when there are 20 people in the crowed bearing witness that the liar directing the show is telling the truth!!!! But I want to make you aware they those encouraging you to believe the lies are getting a cut of what is won at the table! I would take the time to document how many things have been labeled “the mark of the beast” over the last 20 years, but I simply don’t have the strength in my fingers to document each case.

What saddens me is the countless number of blood bought believers that are incoherent because of the fermented word of Politicians, Corrupted Preachers, Prophets and False Prophets! These deceptive people are eager to label what none of us clearly understand, and like modern media, want the credit of being the first to report or break the story, that they often take short cuts and eliminate the information that would discredit the truth they claim they represent and want people to have.

We have seen so many reduce the Bible to “Posts”, “Meme”, “Tweets” and “Quotes”; taking one verse out of its context and allowing it to stand alone. Worse, we have a growing number of people with itching ears who ingest sound bites as the message, settling for segments of the whole and gaining their nourishment from snacks and not a full course meal. This is why Paul states that was “must study”. And I add, not study to impress man, but to be approved by God. One day we will all have to stand before the King of Kings. and we will be forced to give an account for every Word that has come from our mouths. I am no judge for you, nor you for I, but I hope to warn and discourage all of those whether you are a False Prophet, Corrupted Preacher or just a Liar for the improper use of God’s Word to manipulate the people.

For those who read this and are sincere:

We have read childhood fables about the Boy that Cried Wolf. Though this is a story, we must understand that in principle this is true. If the church devalues the Word of God, or is muted to the Holy Spirit to such the extent that it lies and manipulates people as opposed to speaking truth and liberating people, then tingling ears are the least of our concern. There is a lost and dying world who is watching how the church treats the Word of God. There is a lost and dying world who hear us say, “And the Word was God”, and then see us use God to justify evil actions or over look unrighteous behavior (no that those are separate categories). The more we cry wolf, the more the unsaved world receives confirmation that we are fakes. The more we look like and speak like the adversary, the more the world has a base to question as to which spirit we are from. The more we demonstrate the qualities of wickedness, the more the world can turn a blind eye to its sinfulness, and close their ears to the truth of God which has yet to take root in the lives of those that claim to be changed.

Sadly, I know this time next year, there will be another “Mark of the Beast”. Most assuredly, there will be some other figure nominated as the Anti-Christ. So I guess it would be wise to start an office pool near you on the next candidates to wear this title. If you win, be sure to pay your tithes

(That was a joke of course).





Johnny Ogletree, III M. Div.
Johnny Ogletree, III M. Div.

Written by Johnny Ogletree, III M. Div.

Husband of 1, Father of 5, Servant of 1 God!

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