Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake
that the foundations of the prison were shaken.
At once all the prison doors flew open, and
everyone’s chains came loose. Acts 16:26
Paul and Silas, one minute were being hosted in Lydia’s home, now find themselves booked at the local Jail Cell. First, isn’t this just ministry (for those of us who serve)? One minute you are sleeping in luxury, and the next sleeping on the floor of a cell.
Paul and Silas, stripped and beaten by the local magistrate, find themselves now prisoners not just to the Lord, but now of the government. They freed a woman who’s mind and body were controlled by an evil spirit that allowed her to practice witchcraft; which was used to make a profit from her owners. Paul’s actions cost this young lady the use of her gift and led to them being locked in shackles in the inner cell of the jail for all to see.
The Jailer sits as a watchmen over Paul and Silas, standing guard as to ensure they would not escape their confinement (I dare say like their Messiah). Paul and Silas response to this incarceration’s and beatings is to go before the Lord with Praise and Worship. The text says, at Midnight, Paul and Silas turned their focus from the beating given by the magistrate and focus their attention to the sacrifice made by the Messiah.
Mouth opened in Confinement or closed because of Calamity?
How many of us still lift our voices in praise when we are met with challenges an calamity? Paul and Silas, show their maturity and dedication to the Lord, praising him from the comforts of Lydia’s home and the confinement of a jail cell. Their mouths opened in worship and God responds by shaking the very foundation that was holding them captive. They didn’t cry out to God for freedom, they cried out to the God that had already freed them.
I was so grateful and bothered to read this verse at the same time! The text records that the earthquake resulted in the chains of Paul, Silas and every Prisoner being loosed.
First, I was bothered that they were loosed. Loose informs me that there was still work to be done. The chains that held them fastened to the ground were shaken just enough to allow the prisoners all to go free. But again, there was still work to be done. This loose lets us know that there was enough room for them to free the limbs that had been bound. Loose lets us know that there was some wiggle room. Loose lets us know that the visual state of the chains hadn’t changed much, but they had changed enough that the prisoners might be freed.
I know, you thinking, why are you bothered? God shook the foundation enough for them to be able to obtain freedom from their prisoned state. This should be a joyous moment! We should all be celebrating! But we aren’t. After this heaven moving, earth shaking worship experience, verse 28 record Paul saying to the Jailer, “Don’t harm yourself! We are all here!”
I was bothered because I thought about us, Sunday after Sunday! Praise and Worship take place. The Prayer warriors have fasted and prayed. The Praise Team has Sang and Shouted. The Preacher and Proclaimed and Declared. The Elders have cared and counseled. The Deacons have served and given account. God himself has made His presence known, and responded to our time with Him, and yet the Pastor can proclaim Sunday after Sunday, “We are all here!”
We’re All Here.
Now, this “…all here…” is not in reference to the sanctuary or worship center, but is in reference to the bondage we have in our lives. After all that worship, there are still people bound. With all this prayer and casting out, there are still some how are comfortable with and conditioned to the confines of being captive.
Their chains were loosed, and no one fled captivity. It’s as though they were so used to or maybe comfortable with the bondage they were in that their instinct wasn’t to flee, but to enjoy their loosed ligatures.
Loosed Ligatures Is not Freedom!
Loosed ligatures are not the same as freedom, and isn’t the equivalent of and absence of restriction. Though loose means they were able to move around more than before, they were still in chains and held bound.
I wonder how many of you have found comfort in having some of the tension relieved? How many of you have found peace in having some of the guilt removed? How many of you have found freedom in being able cross the street, but not leave the block?
The reality is this is most of us! And the Word to us today is He Freed You Too!
I am so glad that the worship of Paul and Silas had an impact on everyone that listened and not just those who participated. The worship of Paul and Silas didn’t just shake the foundation they stood on, but it affected everyone that was placed around them.
So the question today is “What will you do with your Freedom?”
Most of us are walking in freedom as though we are still in bondage. We restrict ourselves from talking about Christ not to protect our physical life, but our fiscal lives. We restrict ourselves form talking about Christ because we don’t want to offend anyone with the truth, while the world speaks freely and is intentionally offensive.
We must find the strength to respond to this freedom by playing a role in our own freedom. We can no longer sit still and allow the devil to claim victory in the house God has already provided liberty too! The Blood Stained Banner has been raised high, and though many posture to come get this flag, all are aware their efforts will falter.
Take the chains off. They have been loosened. The way out has been given. We must desire to be truly free, not just to have freedom while being in bondage. Being satisfied with a larger cell must not be our goal, but to walk out into the city and to proclaim truth among those who walk freely among us in bondage.