It’s Not Pronounced (Just Us)

Johnny Ogletree, III M. Div.
3 min readSep 23, 2016


In a recent conversation, I was captured by the pronunciation of the word “Justice”. The word, pronounced Jus-tis, spoken swiftly reveals the definition of the word by many human beings; (Just-us). Reaching across racial and economic lines, the preservation and advancement of self has taken the reins of most lives such so that those who place others above themselves are rewarded and celebrated.

As the voice continued, I continued to hear Just Us. As I matched this with the argument given, I realized that the actions being judged were being seen through the eyes of one who was unaffected by the circumstances at hand. It became clear that as long as one’s civil rights, safety and well being weren’t threatened, one is likely to feel comfortable in the system that is administrating Justice, leading them to believe that Justice was being served. And there is truth to this! Justice is served everyday.

I Posed this Question: “Is Justice distributed and served equally?”

The answer, a resounding no! Honestly, Justice is distributed amidst us on a credit scale. Ones value to society is run through a rubric of sort, and the value of a life is determined by a formula that is distributed from a society that holds Capitalism as Justification. Yes believers, in Christ, we are Justified by His Sacrifice, and in America, we are Justified by Capitalism. Ones ability to earn, is placed above basic humanity, and ones right to prosper, trumps the civil rights or liberties of those economically beneath them. Our Capitalistic mindset serves as the hot toddy that gives us sweet rest at night.

It has become more apparent that Justice is a’ la carte! And yes, if you have to ask how much it cost, you can’t afford it! Things that should accompany the meal, are now offered on the side. It is distributed in small serving sizes, listed in fine print with fancy language on a contract that was written to benefit authors and investors, not readers and partakers.

It gives the illusion of full coverage, providing confidence, while defining limitations that shortchange satisfaction.

It encourages all to invest, changing the rules as rights are distributed to insure that ones obtaining rights can’t fully benefit the same way as those that have profited from its promises. What keeps all protecting her secrets is the illusion that what has been obtained by others, will be redistributed to those that follow.

When in reality, we are all dogs on a track, chasing a fake rabbit around in hopes that we will be declared winner, when in truth, the real winners are in the sky box taking bets on which one of us will chase the dream the hardest.
What was promoted for all, was only promised to some. And from those to whom the promise was extended, most have not received and have only pretended to have taken hold of. As I talk and read chats and blogs, I wonder if most realize that the dream is still a dream? That this promised distribution is not intended, just impending!

All this to say, we are in a matrix (no I’m not going there!). There are things that we are privy to, and all other things are just rumors of war. We are revealed the hand as it is played, and we are unsure who is dealing the cards, and are only sure of one thing; the deck is stacked, and the slight of hand ensures that only a select few the power.

Having said all this, one of the greatest illusions is that Justice is for all. If this were true, our freedoms and liberty would not depend on the amount of legal representation one can afford. Having the right amount of resources gives one confidence in a system offers Justice to those who can afford it. Those who lack resources, lack access to what was promised to all.



Johnny Ogletree, III M. Div.
Johnny Ogletree, III M. Div.

Written by Johnny Ogletree, III M. Div.

Husband of 1, Father of 5, Servant of 1 God!

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