Johnny Ogletree, III M. Div.
3 min readNov 21, 2020

For years we have declared, ” ‘The church is under attack’
but I believe that ‘The church is being critiqued!’ “
Johnny Ogletree, III

I know what you’re thinking, Critiqued! What sinful being dares critique the righteous church? Honestly, millions upon millions of sinners, and rightly so.

Jesus said in John the 17th Chapter His prayer was that we “would be one” just like He and the Father were one. Jesus knew that the lost world would be watching the church closely, making an assessment of what they were witnessing. He experienced walking the earth, the examination of the crowed, understanding the challenge of enlightening others and making believers from the skeptics.

Amidst the miracles and the magnificent messages, was the close examination of the actions of Jesus. People wanted to match the message of Christ with the laws of the Kingdom. His deity was on display, but His character was on trial.

His 40 day test in the wilderness served as an LSAT of sorts, while his walk on earth before man were a series of final exams that prepared Him for the bar exam. And these were not only open book test, but unsealed examinations that would be scrutinized by inquisitive seekers for years to come. They would find, as others would testify, that he was without sin and a worthy lamb to be sacrificed.

His desire to seek and save, reserving the right to condemn, but instead choosing to display a level of love and righteousness that was far different than anyone had seen and would be seen. Though in the flesh, He walked consistently with and in the Spirit, leaving no doubt to those that walked with Him, watched Him, listened to Him and followed Him that He was God in flesh.

If Jesus himself faced the judgments and critiques of those watching, we must be aware as His bride that we will face the same. We bare His name and are representatives of Him. Our actions speak for the family, and our words can either draw or repel others.

The world, and rightfully so, will critique all it sees. As human beings, we are skeptics at heart who search for proofs and signs to validate out findings.

Honestly, not only does the world see us misrepresenting Christ, but it sees the church unified about truth. How is it possible not to agree on truth? Interpretation; maybe. Revelation; possibly. Prophesy; potentially. But truth?

Sadly, we can’t get believers to come into agreement, and are frustrated and in disbelief when the unsaved reject truth. How will more come to faith if the faith is fueled by foolishness and funded by the faithless? How can we convert a dying world when we became like the “one” to win “one”, and the “one” won us? We are supposed to transformed minds, not updated minds.

We have brought Christianity to our Worldly View
to support our Worldly Ways,
and not change our thoughts and minds.

This is seen from those who watch from a far. They see the lack of sincerity in those who claim to represent Christ and are not convinced by what they see.

And for those still screaming “The church is under attack!” I say, there is no need to attack yourself. We are so much like the world in our behavior and response, that we are seen and treated more like an ally than an enemy. Best case scenario for the church is that we are being critiqued. This way, we can remain hopeful that we are still be considered as the medium God chose to deliver truth through. In this, we can make a few adjustments, and return to righteous form.


