Will and Grace
What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that
grace may increase? Romans 6:1
Paul opens a powerful discussion with the reader. In response to a dialogue that must have taking place in the community among the community. Listen closely! I believe this same dialogue is taking place today!
There is a battle raging among the saints. While our grandparents fought to hold up the blood stained banner for as long as they could, the church has seen a decline in its pursuit for righteousness as their arms grew tired, and the next generation made enough money to outsource the holding up of the standard to political parties and televangelist. Now the banner flies below half mast; not to honor a fallen saint, but because the church has compromised itself, becoming more Commercial that Christlike.
We have made it easy to enter, and easy to win (not that confession and belief are costly and challenging feats), but have removed the follow through of discipleship and accepted buts in seat with tithes and offerings as a replacement for the pursuit of righteousness. This just “attend and your in” has lead to a watered down version of disciples resembles a copy of an original that was produced by a machine that has ink cartridges at 10%.
We have those who consistently abuse the grace of our Lord by their actions and choices. Some think, “Since our sins are forgiven, we might as well Turn Up!” All things are lawful. All things are good. Nothing is off limits. “Turn Down for What?” We are no longer condemned. We have a year round pass to sin that has no expiration date. We quote the song writer who spoke truth, “Jesus paid it all”, but neglect to finish the statement with “All to Him I Owe!”
When I read this passage, I saw and Airport Runway!
In my head I could see Planes taking off
and I could see Planes landing.
It occurred to me while thinking about this runway that many see God’s Grace as a Runway to Take off and pursuit the desires of the flesh, while others see God’s Grace as a Runway that is just long enough to leave behind a life of sin. See, Taking off Takes Fuel, while Landing Takes Friction!
Most of us see Grace as Fuel,
where as we should see Grace as Friction.
Fuel aids in the take off and continuation of something in motion. Its provides the energy that is needed for that spark the flesh provides to continue. One justifies, incorrectly in their hearts and minds, that they can continue doing the sin because the penalty, punishment and or price for the sin has already been provided. Grace then become the Fuel, that leads to one leading a Dual life. One where their mouths speak one truth, and their life and actions reveal a different truth.
We begin thinking things like: “God love me so much that He has to forgive me!” “God understands my weaknesses, so He has to forgive me!” God created me with this flaw or temptation, thus He understands me acting on this desire or need.
We then move from God has to “Forgive me”, to God has to “Accept Me.” Because I was created this way, God wants me to remain this way. This too is flawed thinking! God has a right to set boundaries. God has a right to determine what is Holy. God has a right to determine what is offensive. Man does not get to choose for God! Man gets to choose to follow God!
Conviction is what leads to Friction.
When we sin without conviction, its a result of a lack of intimacy, and possibly a sign of the absence of true belief. When you love God, Jesus says we demonstrate it by obeying His commandments. Our love for Him should make us want to be pleasing to Him. Our love for Him should make us want to be like Him. Our love for Him should make us want to demonstrate Him by our actions that we are appreciative of His sacrifice.
It’s Time to Land This Plane!
Conviction makes this Runway of Grace a Landing Strip! God knows that the challenge to change is a difficult one. He understands that an abrupt stop is not likely, and might be discouraging to those trying to leave behind a life of sin. It is because of this, God give us a runway to land. Grace gives us just enough room to land without crashing.
This landing takes a bending of our personal will to meet the righteous will of our Lord. This is the intersection of Will and Grace. When our wills change, they are able to use the Grace of our Lord to become a pleasing sacrifice to Him.
It is my hope that we will start adjusting our Wills to line up with the Lord, and use His Grace to Land successfully and encourage others to do the same.